Selective-Integrative Technology for the Separation of Colostrum Into Components and the Possibilities of Obtaining Protein Substances From Different Sources




colostrum, composition variability, fractionation, ultrafiltration, mass spectra, biologically active compounds


Background. Obtaining biologically active natural compounds involved in the regulation of metabolism is an important goal in biotechnology. Colostrum is a unique natural source of various biologically active compounds. However, the extremely high natural variability of colostrum composition does not meet the existing requirements for standardization in pharmaceutical preparations.

Objective. To develop a method for separating colostrum into its basic components (lipids, casein, and protein fractions), thereby reducing the variability of whole colostrum composition, obtaining several target products, and demonstrating the possibility of acquiring new protein substances from different sources.

Methods. Colostrum separation was carried out through centrifugation and membrane filtration. Plant proteins (sunflower) and milk proteins were used to obtain protein substances from different sources. The composition of proteins, carbohydrates, and nucleic acids was determined using mass spectrometry, centrifugation, and membrane filtration.

Results. The proposed method for obtaining basic substances from colostrum significantly reduced the vari­ability in composition compared to whole colostrum. The efficiency of protein sedimentation in concentrated protein solutions by centrifugation and ultrafiltration was shown to depend on protein concentration. Additionally, the formation of non-specific protein aggregates in the centrifugal field allowed the extraction of protein substances from various natural sources, which is relevant for functional nutrition.

Conclusions. The proposed selective-integrative technology for obtaining different substances from colostrum significantly reduces the high variability of whole colostrum composition. It increases the efficiency of component separation into lipid, casein fractions, low molecular weight protein fractions, and ultrafiltrate, while also enabling the acquisition of protein substances from diverse sources.


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How to Cite

Ivanov I, Goltvjansky А, Bozhkov A, Gromovoy T. Selective-Integrative Technology for the Separation of Colostrum Into Components and the Possibilities of Obtaining Protein Substances From Different Sources. Innov Biosyst Bioeng [Internet]. 2024Oct.8 [cited 2024Oct.11];8(3):60-7. Available from:


