
Innovative Biosystems and Bioengineering (IBB) follows the recommendations on authorship presented in the Council of Science Editors' (CSE) Recommendations for Promoting Integrity in Scientific Journal Publications.


Authors are individuals identified by the research group to have made substantial contributions to the reported work and agree to be accountable for these contributions.

Individuals who contributed to the work but whose contributions were not of sufficient magnitude to warrant authorship should be identified by name in Acknowledgments section.

Who should be listed as an author and the order of author listing are determined by the authors.

As a general guideline, persons listed as authors should have contributed substantively to (1) the conception and design of the study, acquisition of data, or analysis and interpretation of data; (2) drafting of the article or revising it critically for important content; (3) final approval of the version to be published.

The corresponding author is responsible for ensuring that all authors have agreed (1) to be authors and to be listed in the order specified by the submitting author; (2) to the manuscript's content; (3) to its submission to IBB.

If any changes to authorship are proposed after the manuscript is submitted, the corresponding author must provide the Editorial Office with signed documentation from each author on the manuscript, including those being added or removed, affirming that the authors all agree to the changes. Also the corresponding author is to provide the Editorial Office with the description of contribution of all co-authors.

Please contact regarding any authorship changes. IBB accepts no responsibility for deciding matters of authorship, including but not limited to the names of the authors and listed order. IBB reserves the right to not publish the manuscripts that are in dispute.


Group authorship may be appropriate when a group of researchers has collaborated on a project, such as a multicenter trial, a consensus document, or an expert panel.

The submitting author must identify any group named as an author as well as the named individuals from that group who accept responsibility for the article.

If all individuals belonging to the group take responsibility, then the group itself is an author and all members must be named. In this case the group name should appear in the byline, and the names of all members should appear in a note.

If the group is the only author, then at least one author must be identified by name who will be responsible for manuscript communications, and who will respond to inquiries about the published article. This author's name and contact information should be presented as the Corresponding Author in a note on the title page.

If a subset of group members is taking responsibility for the article, then these individuals must be named. In this case, the named members should appear in the byline along with the group name. Other members who are not authors may be listed in the Acknowledgments.