CiteScore 2023 – 1.9
SJR 2023 – 0.165
SNIP 2023 – 0.297
The scientific journal Innovative Biosystems and Bioengineering was founded in 2017. IBB introduces a systems approach to life sciences problems.
IBB is a quarterly peer-reviewed Open Access e-journal in which readers, immediately upon online publication, can access articles free of costs and subscription charges.
e-ISSN 2616-177X
Founder and Publisher: National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”.
Frequency: 4 issues a year.
We accept papers in the following language: English.
Cite the title as: Innov Biosyst Bioeng.
Readership: Biotechnologists, Bioengineers, Biomedical researchers and engineers, Biologists.
Indexing: Scopus; DOAJ; ROAD; HINARI; Chemical Abstracts Service; CNKI Scholar; Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals, Series and Publishers; J-Gate; Public Knowledge Project Index; ICMJE; JournalTOCs; WCOSJ; Vifabio; EZB; Federation of Finnish Learned Societies; Zeitschriftendatenbank; Polska Bibliografia Naukowa; Scilit; Bielefeld Academic Search Engine; OpenAir; WorldCat.