Evaluating the Interaction Between Silicon Surface and Microorganisms in Various Solvents Under the Influence of a Static Magnetic Field Using Fractal Analysis





yeast, algae, probiotic lactocultures, Magnetic field, silicon wafer, solvents effect, dried cells, fractal dimension, lacunarity


Background. Peculiarities of the interaction of microorganisms with the surface are important from the point of view of the functionality of this surface (implants, chips, electrodes with biofilm for producing electric current). The orderliness of organic particles and cells on different surfaces can be assessed by determining the fractal dimension and lacunarity and indicate the structural state or efficiency of the system.

Objective. Investigation how different solvents and the application of a magnetic field affect the texture of suspensions containing microorganisms when dried on various types of silicon surfaces and quantitatively assess the dimensions of the structures formed using fractal analysis.

Methodology. After mixing, the cell suspension was applied to the polished, degreased surface of silicon wafers arranged horizontally and left to dry completely. In a static magnetic field (MF) with an induction of 0.17 T, the induction lines were perpendicular to the surface of the sample. Micrographs of dried cells were pro­cessed in software package ImageJ and fractal analysis was performed using the FracLac software application and "Box counting" technique.

Results. Significant differences in the self-organization of various types of microorganism cells during drying on silicon surfaces under the influence of a MF and in different solvents have been found. The tendency for various types of microorganisms was the formation of pseudofractal shapes and an increase in the average fractal dimension D under the action of a MF. As D increased, lacunarity L decreased. However, in the case of yeast suspended in a physiological solution, pseudofractal shapes were observed even in the absence of a MF.

Conclusions. Using fractal analysis of pseudofractal figures consisting of cells of microorganisms on the surface of a silicon plate under the influence of MF, it is possible to evaluate the functionality of cells interacting with the surface, as well as the quality of this surface.


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How to Cite

Marynchenko L, Nizhelska O, Shirinyan A, Gorchakova N. Evaluating the Interaction Between Silicon Surface and Microorganisms in Various Solvents Under the Influence of a Static Magnetic Field Using Fractal Analysis. Innov Biosyst Bioeng [Internet]. 2024Jun.21 [cited 2025Mar.9];8(2):69-84. Available from: https://ibb.kpi.ua/article/view/297364


