Efficiency of Combined Use of Fullerene C60 and Bovine Serum Albumin for Rehabilitation of Vitrified Fragments of Rat Immature Seminiferous Tubules





fullerene C60, bovine serum albumin, seminiferous tubules, vitrification


Background. Today, cryopreserved reproductive tissues are used to treat some forms of male infertility. However, after long-term preservation of fragments of seminiferous tubules of testes (FSTT) in a low-temperature bank (-196 °С) their morphological and functional characteristics decrease reversibly. To solve this problem after freezing-thawing, the use of rehabilitation media with special additives is promising. Due to the fact that serum albumin and fullerene C60 have powerful protective and antioxidant properties, their use allows to stabilize the plasma membrane, osmotic pressure, and reduce free radicals that make them promising candidates to use in the development of rehabilitation media for biological objects after cryopreservation.

Objective. The efficacy of fullerene C60, bovine serum albumin (BSA), and their combination as components of rehabilitation medium of vitrified FSTT of immature rats was studied.

Methods. Vitrified-thawed samples of FSTT were incubated (22 °C) for 30 minutes in Leibovitz's medium with addition of 15 mg/mL C60, 5 g/L BSA or their combination. Control samples were incubated in the medium without C60 or BSA addition. Metabolic activity (MTT test), histomorphological data, total antioxidant status (TAS), reactive oxygen species (ROS) production, activity of g-glutamyltransferase (gGGT), and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase were determined in the samples after rehabilitation in the investigated media.

Results. The use of C60 led to the increase of metabolic (by 1.26 times) and TAS (by 1.74 times) activities, to the decrease in the number of ROS+ cells (by 1.35 times) and to the improvement of the spermatogenic epithelium binding to the basement membrane versus control sample. Application of BSA did not significantly affect the studied biochemical indices but decreased the number of tubules with desquamation of spermatogenic epithelium in histological sections. The combined use of BSA and C60 had the best effect among investigated rehabilitation media that led to the increase of metabolic activity (by 1.51 times), TAS activity (by 1.78 times), gGGT activity (by 1.59 times), histostructure restoration and the decrease in the number of ROS+ cells (by 1.45 times) compared to the control samples.

Conclusions. The use of C60 and BSA combination increases the metabolic and antioxidant activity of vitrified FSTT and also has a positive effect on their histostructural characteristics compared to control samples. It should be noted that the effect of С60 and BSA addition to rehabilitation medium exceeds the results of using the investigated additives separately (by the metabolic and gGGT activity as well as architectonics of vitrified FSTT). These data relate to reproductive medicine and can be used to develop an effective rehabilitation protocol for vitrified FSTT.


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How to Cite

Volkova N, Yuhta M, Sokil L, Chernyshenko L, Stepanuk L, Goltsev A. Efficiency of Combined Use of Fullerene C60 and Bovine Serum Albumin for Rehabilitation of Vitrified Fragments of Rat Immature Seminiferous Tubules. Innov Biosyst Bioeng [Internet]. 2021Sep.29 [cited 2025Mar.10];5(3):189-96. Available from: https://ibb.kpi.ua/article/view/241126


