Laboratory and Production Biosafety When Working With Bioobjects: Regulatory and Organizational and Technical Aspects




biosafety, labor protection, biological object, biological agent, biosafety level, risk management


The use of pathogenic and opportunistic biological agents in research and production processes should be accompanied by risk management in the context of biosafety and biosecurity. These issues are regulated differently depending on the industry orientation, including organizational and technical support. To provide a safe environment for working with biological threats of various levels of risks is one of the urgent tasks of our time. Our article is an analytical review of modern approaches to biosafety management in laboratories and industries when working with hazardous biological objects, pollution, including issues of occupational safety management and organizational and technical support of biosecurity. We analyzed the current state of the problem on the implementation and provision of proper working conditions in biotechnological or related industries, as well as in laboratories and research centers operating with biolo­gical objects of various hazard classes. To achieve biosafety, the basic principle is to limit or prevent the spread of potentially hazardous or harmful biological agents. The article describes the classification of hazardous biological agents, the current requirements for ensuring biosafety for workers of biotechnological and biopharmaceutical enterprises, laboratories and research centers when working with biological material. Ensuring the appropriate level of biosafety in Ukraine is governed by a number of regulations concerning all areas and activities related to work with biological objects of various hazard levels. Adherence to strict regulatory requirements at all levels of the organization of work in laboratories, research institutions, and industries dealing with biological objects will ensure safe conditions for staff.


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How to Cite

Khablenko A, Besarab O, Motronenko V. Laboratory and Production Biosafety When Working With Bioobjects: Regulatory and Organizational and Technical Aspects. Innov Biosyst Bioeng [Internet]. 2021Jun.30 [cited 2025Mar.1];5(2):125-34. Available from:


