The Effect of the Mineral and Carbohydrate Composition of the Nutrient Medium on the Efficiency of Microclonal Propagation of Origanum Vulgare L. In Vitro




Oregano Origanum vulgare L., Microclonal propagation in vitro, Reproduction rate, Buds activation, Cuttings


Background. Oregano (Origanum vulgare L.) is an essential oil plant whose biologically active substances possess antimicrobial, antiviral, antitumor, wound healing properties. The genetic diversity of this medicinal plant requires a detailed study of the sensitivity of its genotypes in vitro culture to ensure a high level of microclonal propagation efficiency.

Objective. The aim of the paper is to develop elements of the technology of microclonal propagation of oregano by activating buds growing in vitro, in particular, to study the effect of the mineral, vitamin, and carbohydrate composition of the nutrient medium on shoots multiplication in different cultivars and to compare the morphogenetic potential of the apical and lateral buds in an in vitro culture.

Methods. The method of activation of the buds growing (method of sterile cutting) is applied. The variants of nutrient medium with full and halved content of macro-, microsalts, and vitamins of MS medium, as well as medium that differed in carbohydrate composition and contained sucrose (15 or 30 g/l) or glucose (15 or 30 g/l) were used. Such indicators as the number of newly formed shoots per one cutting and the reproduction rate were recorded and analyzed.

Results. The optimal medium for most genotypes for new shoots from both apical and lateral buds in vitro is MS+30 g/l glucose. On average, the specific number of shoots obtained from cuttings of lateral buds was 1.82 times higher than the specific number of shoots obtained from cuttings of apical buds. The sample Д10 was found to be the most productive, for which on MS + 30 g/l glucose medium the highest number of newly formed shoots was obtained (2.9 pieces per a cutting for apical buds and 3.7 pieces per a cutting for lateral ones). The coefficient of multiplication for genotype Д10 on MS + 30 g/l glucose was 14.6 and 19.3 internodes per a cutting, respectively, for apical and lateral buds. On average, the coefficient of multiplication for cuttings of lateral buds was 1.47 times higher than that one for cuttings of apical buds.

Conclusions. The effect of the genotype and composition of the nutrient medium on the efficiency of microclonal propagation by activating apical and lateral buds in the sterile cutting of oregano was shown. Among the studied variants of the carbohydrate and mineral compositions of the medium, the most effective was MS+30 g/l glucose. Genotype Д10 revealed the greatest potential for microclonal reproduction among the five samples.


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How to Cite

Fokina A, Satarova T, Derkach K. The Effect of the Mineral and Carbohydrate Composition of the Nutrient Medium on the Efficiency of Microclonal Propagation of Origanum Vulgare L. In Vitro. Innov Biosyst Bioeng [Internet]. 2019Oct.8 [cited 2025Feb.23];3(3):176-84. Available from:


