The Use of Luminos Bacteria Photobacterium phosphoreum as a Bioindicator of Geomagnetic Activity


  • Yuriy Gorgo Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, Ukraine
  • Igor Gretsky D.C. Zabolotny Institute of Microbiology and Virology, NAS of Ukraine, Ukraine
  • Olha Demydova Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, Ukraine



Geomagnetic activity, Bioluminescence, Bioindication, Intensity, Photobacterium phosphoreum


Background. An actual problem is determination of features of different micro-organisms for the activity bioindication of environment geophysical parameter state.

Objective. The aim of the paper is to determine correlation dependences between values of luminescence intensity of bacteria Photobacterium phosphoreum and factors determining geomagnetic activity.

Methods. The optimum parameters of suspension were determined for research of bioluminescence intensity as a bioindicator of the geomagnetic field state. The monitoring of specific intensity of bacteria luminescence has been carried out for 2 months and it was compared to the daily values of activity of the geomagnetic field in the conditions of Kiev, during the research of bioluminescence. Vari­ation determination of the geomagnetic field was conducted from data of Space Environment Center, NOAA & U.S. Air Force. Description of sun activity was conducted with the use of the "Wolf numbers" and flux of sun radio radiation at a wavelength 10,7 сm.

Results. The correlation coefficients of changes of bacteria bioluminescence intensity daily values were calculated and compared to the K-index and Ap-index values, "Wolf numbers", and flux of sun radio radiation. The inverse proportional reliable average correlation was defined R = -0,41 between the values of specific bacterial luminescence and the K-indexes of the geomagnetical field, and with the values of flux of sun radio radiation – reliable directly proportional correlation. It is shown, that at the geomagnetic field variation intensity increase there is reduction of values of bacteria bioluminescence specific intensity.

Conclusions. The presence of reliable inverse dependence between K-indexes of geomagnetic field is shown and specific intensity of the P. rhosphoreum luminescence, the correlation coefficient in months with increased geomagnetic activity was R = -0,51. The use of the automated system of the luminescent bacteria luminescence intensity monitoring allows better forecasting in time the manifestations of indignations of the Earth’s magnetic field.


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How to Cite

Gorgo Y, Gretsky I, Demydova O. The Use of Luminos Bacteria Photobacterium phosphoreum as a Bioindicator of Geomagnetic Activity. Innov Biosyst Bioeng [Internet]. 2018Dec.20 [cited 2025Mar.10];2(4):271-7. Available from:


