Realization of Macromycete Photoinduced Growth Activity: Influence of Cultivation Ways and the Concentration of Carbon and Nitrogen




Macromycetes, Low-intensity light, Irradiation, Photoinduction, Growth activity


Background. Scientific principles of the biosynthetic activity photoregulation of edible and medicinal macromycetes.

Objective. The aim of the paper is to determine the influence of macromycete cultivation method, carbon and nitrogen concentration on the realization of their photoinduced growth activity.

Methods. Seed mycelium C. militaris, F. velutipes, H. erinaceus, L. edodes, and P. ostreatus irradiated with low-intensity laser light in different wavelength ranges at an energy dose of 230 mJ/сm2, was cultivated superficially on a liquid medium, and also by the deep cultivation method. As carbon source glucose was used, nitrogen – peptone at various concentrations. The biomass accumulation and glucose consumption efficiency were determined.

Results. It is proved that the realization degree of the photoinduction depends on the composition of the nutrient medium and the method of macromycete cultivation. It is established that in order to obtain the maximum stimulating effect after low-intensity laser radiation, a deep cultivation of the photoactivated seed mycelium should be carried out. A short-term low-intensity laser radiation results in a change in the trophism of macromycetes and is expressed in an increase in the biomass accumulation rate and in the efficiency of glucose consumption. Reducing the glucose concentration in the medium increases the photoinduced activity of the seed mycelium C. militaris, G. lucidum, L. edodes, H. erinaceus, and P. ostreatus. There was no significant effect of nitrogen concentration on photoinduced stimulation of macromycete growth.

Conclusions. The results of the research are the basis for further studies of the influence of various factors on the photoinduction of the biosynthetic activity of edible and medicinal mushrooms to intensify the technological stages of their cultivation.


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How to Cite

Poyedinok N, Mykchaylova O, Sergiichuk N, Negriyko A. Realization of Macromycete Photoinduced Growth Activity: Influence of Cultivation Ways and the Concentration of Carbon and Nitrogen. Innov Biosyst Bioeng [Internet]. 2018Oct.2 [cited 2025Mar.10];2(3):196-202. Available from:


