Specific Activity of Streptomyces albus Preparations for Bioreguilation of Cucumber Plant





S. albus UN44, Biopreparation, Cucumber plants of the variety Konkurent, Biological activity, Growth stimulation, Metabolic activity, Stress resistance


Background. Scientific bases for the development of microbial-derived polycomponent preparations for plant growing, which show a wide specificity of biological action.

Objective. The aim of the paper is an establishment of the biological activity of S. albus UN44 experimental preparations for cucumber plant bioregulation processes for further substantiation of optimization directions of ready-made forms and application methods.

 Methods. The experimental preparations were produced by cultivating the S. albus UN44 producer, in subsequently separating biomass and (in one variant) heat sterilization of supernatant. The cucumber seeds of the variety Konkurent were treated with solutions of the preparations and the growth stimulation, metabolic activity of plants, and the state of stress were determined.

Results. It is determined that Biopreparat-1 stimulates the growth of the root and stem of the cucumber after seed treatment with a solution at a concentration of 15–22 units/ml (or 1–1.5 %). It is shown, based on the data obtained, that the biological activity of culture preparations can be due to the presence of hormones of the auxin class that were not previously identified among its metabolites. For the first time, the ability of S. albus UN44 biopreparations to influence the proline content in cucumber plants, and therefore their stress resistance, is shown.

Conclusions. The results of the research are the basis for studying new biologically active products of S. albus UN44 and optimization of the ready-made forms of preparations, namely sterile liquid form and dry complex preparation, as well as preparations of certain metabolites with target highly specific activity. The ability of experimental preparations to influence the plant stress resistance requires additional study and makes it possible to create means for correcting the effects on plants of various negative factors.


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How to Cite

Levchyk N, Liubinska A, Herasymenko Y, Todosiichuk T. Specific Activity of Streptomyces albus Preparations for Bioreguilation of Cucumber Plant. Innov Biosyst Bioeng [Internet]. 2018Jun.25 [cited 2025Mar.12];2(2):98-104. Available from: https://ibb.kpi.ua/article/view/129116


