Some of the Important Physical and Chemical Properties of a Number of Mineral Waters Widely used in Everyday Life




Water, Redox potential, Total hardness, pH, Microbial number


Background. Water quality is one of the most important factors that have a decisive influence on the human body.

Objective. The aim of the paper is the research of important physical and chemical properties of mineral water determining its influence on the human body.

Methods. Main criteria relating to drinking water quality are studied: redox potential (ROP), pH, total hardness, total microbial count. The indicator of overall water toxicity should be taken into account as well determined by bioassay and provides an objective assessment of the influence of the sample on the organisms.

Results. The obtained results indicate that the pH of the water under investigation is within the limits established by the existing norms for drinking water. All samples have a weak alkaline reaction рН (7.1–8.39). Total water hardness is within 1.5–7 mmol.ekv/dm3 and corresponds to the data set by the manufacturer and the existing regulations. The exception is the water of the brand "Smarty Family". Its hardness is a little bit below the index indicated on the label. All studied samples of mineral water for children had similarity values and germination energy higher than control (distilled water). This indicates a lack of general toxicity and balance of salt content in the samples. The values of these indices in samples of mineral natural dining and mineral natural medical dining water are lower than in the control. The exception is water "Myrgorodska Lagidna", which indicators are almost the same as control. As to the ROP indicator value, no water brand corresponds to the ROP values of the human body biological fluids, in particular the children’s biological fluids. Most samples of natural mineral dining and natural mineral medical-dining water (except water brands "Polyana Kvasova" and "Borjomi") have a high content of microorganisms and don’t meet the standards for bottled water.

Conclusions. Investigated mineral natural dining and mineral natural medical dining water can be used in the line functions, but on a microbiological index and ROP needs further control.


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How to Cite

Petrusha Y, Rylsky A, Gvozdyak P. Some of the Important Physical and Chemical Properties of a Number of Mineral Waters Widely used in Everyday Life. Innov Biosyst Bioeng [Internet]. 2018Jun.25 [cited 2025Mar.12];2(2):135-40. Available from:


