Crystal Formation in the Facies of Oral Fluid Their Cycles of Hydration and Degradation


  • Anatolii Misyura Institute of Applied Problems of Physics and Biophysics, NAS of Ukraine, Ukraine
  • Lidiia Ushiy Institute of Applied Problems of Physics and Biophysics, NAS of Ukraine, Ukraine
  • Sergii Mamilov Institute of Applied Problems of Physics and Biophysics, NAS of Ukraine, Ukraine



Drop facia, Mouth liquid, Crystal texture, Hydration cycles, Dehydration, Digital microscopy, Photometry, Photo analysis


Background. Analysis of photographs of crystalline structures formed during drying of biological fluids and in particular oral liquid, is widely used as a diagnostic method for assessing the state of the human body. The urgent task is the development of automated methods of numerical morphometry with the help of computer programs for analyzing the differences in the shape, size, texture, color and number of crystalline structures to exclude subjective contributions and dependence of analysis on the qualifications of the researcher.

Objective. Study of processes of dehydration structurization of oral liquid and direct formation of crystalline structures in conditions of application of repeated cycles of hydration and dehydration. They studied their influence on the formation of the crystalline structure, o the quality of its reproduction on digital photos of the facies.

Methods. Oral liquor samples were given to groups of volunteers aged 19–23, men and women. From the samples after their preliminary mixing and degassing to a homogeneous state, drops of the examined oral liquid were dosed and microdasitors were applied to the horizontal objective glass. There were cycles of partial hydration–dehydration.

Results. The processes of repeated dissolution of the solid phase of the dried drop of the oral liquid (facies), the conditions of osmotic, diffusion, extraction displacement of crystalline substances and their structuring after dissolution of a drop of a new liquid and dehydration by drying are considered. It was found that under the influence of cycles of hydration-dehydration, crystalline substances of the oral liquid continue to preserve their crystalline properties in the derivative facies. The obtained results of the study indicate that the cycles of partial hydration - dehydration of the facials of the oral liquid – are achieved by filtration (purification) of the release of a part of the dissolved facies from foreign impurities, and the clarity of the image of the crystalline structure.

Conclusions. It has been shown that the crystal-forming components of the facial fluid of the mouth retain their crystalline properties and the ability to recrystallize after drying and are capable of restoring a balanced state under the influence of solvent hydration. Hydration by a solvent of a particle of a solid facial plane restores the dissolution and extraction of the facial components in the drop field of the solvent, and the subsequent dehydration by drying forms the updated crystallization texture of the derivative of the facies; while the optically active impurities and interferences are filtered, and digital images of the crystallized structure of the derivative of the facial fluid of the mouth are formed by purified and gaining a high degree of clarity. The offered algorithms, formal procedures and means of obtaining an electronic image of crystallized textures of derivative facies are offered.


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How to Cite

Misyura A, Ushiy L, Mamilov S. Crystal Formation in the Facies of Oral Fluid Their Cycles of Hydration and Degradation. Innov Biosyst Bioeng [Internet]. 2018Jun.25 [cited 2025Mar.12];2(2):110-7. Available from:


