CiteScore 2022 – 1.7 (Q3)
SNIP 2022 – 0.383 (Q3)
Front Matter associated with this Archival Unit includes:
Metadata associated with this Archival Unit includes:
Journal URL | |
Title | Innovative Biosystems and Bioengineering |
Publisher | Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute |
ISSN | 2616-177X |
Language(s) | English (en_US) Українська (uk_UA) |
Publisher Email | |
Copyright | The ownership of copyright remains with the Authors. Authors may use their own material in other publications provided that the Journal is acknowledged as the original place of publication and National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” as the Publisher. Authors are reminded that it is their responsibility to comply with copyright laws. It is essential to ensure that no part of the text or illustrations have appeared or are due to appear in other publications, without prior permission from the copyright holder. IBB articles are published under Creative Commons licence:
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