New Approaches to Using Plant Flavor-Forming Enzymes
plant enzymes, flavor enzymes, cherry leaves, linden leaves, onion aromaAbstract
Background. Proteases, as well as enzyme complexes with various combinations of lipase, amylase, and cellulase, are used as flavor enzymes to impart aroma to processed raw materials. Plant-derived enzymes have significant potential for influencing aroma-forming reactions.
Objective. The aim of this study is to investigate the intentional alteration of the aroma of onions, linden leaves, and cherry leaves by either activating (in the case of linden and cherry leaves) or inhibiting (in the case of onions) specific plant enzyme complexes.
Methods. Linden and cherry leaves, as well as onion bulbs, were selected as the subjects that change their aroma by a complex of enzymes. To activate the enzymes present in the tree leaves, fermentation conditions similar to those used in tea leaf processing were applied. Mustard seeds and horseradish roots were employed as supplementary sources of enzymes. Ginger, extracts of bleck tea, grean tea, and oark bark were used to influence the reactions of onion aroma formation.
Results. It was determined that flavor enzymes of tree leaves are active in different periods of leaf formation: enzyme complex in cherry leaves becomes active after flowering, while linden leaves exhibit enzymatic activity before flowering. Plant enzymes, such as mustard myrosinases and horseradish polyphenol oxidases, were found to be effective in modifying the onion's flavor. The substances contained in extracts of black tea, green tea, and ginger were observed to effectively inhibit the development of onion aroma.
Conclusions. The compounds of ginger, black tea, and green tea extracts were found to slow down or inhibit the development of the onion aroma. The aroma of cherry and linden tree leaves undergoes transformation due to the natural leaf enzymes, resulting in aromas reminiscent of cherry berries and linden blossoms, respectively. Plant aroma-forming enzymes in linden leaves have a a more significant impact on the aroma before flowering, whereas aroma-forming enzymes in cherry leaves exert a stronger influence after fruiting.
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