Influence of the Morphological Composition of Solid Municipal Waste on the Species Composition of Microbiocenoses that are Formed in the Body of Landfill




Microbiocenoses of municipal solid waste landfills, Organic waste, Morphological composition of municipal solid waste, Modified IAWQ ASM-2 model


Background. In the overwhelming majority of settlements in Ukraine, municipal solid waste (MSW) is stored at landfills, and in small towns and villages, even in spontaneous dumps. According to experts in the country annually 10 million tons of MSW is placed additionally at more than 5,500 landfills. In developed countries, this problem is solved through separate collection and waste recycling. In accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On Waste", from January 1, 2019, disposal of solid waste at landfills without prior sorting will be prohibited, however, even if this requirement is fulfilled in practice, the problem of restoring and rehabilitating existing landfills will remain relevant for a long time.

Objective. The aim of the work is to study the dependence between the fractional composition of MSW and the characteristics of the development of various groups of microorganisms in the landfill body and a quantitative assessment of the ratio of these groups for landfill of some settlements in Ukraine.

Methods. The study of the morphological composition of solid municipal waste was carried out at the household site of the landfill in Khmelnitsky and in the landfill site in the area of mine "Valyavko-South" in Kryvyi Rih. Research in Khmelnitsky has been carried out over 4 seasons (2017), in Kryvyi Rih – only in the summer period (2016). At the same time, the duration of field studies for one season was at least 4–6 days, until a representative sample of data was reached.

Results. The results of the study showed the dependence between the composition of the MSW organic fraction and the composition of the microbiocenosis of landfills: with a high percentage of the bioavailable fraction in the composition of the microbiocenosis, bacteria Bacillus predominate (46 ± 2% – for Khmelnitsky and 42 ± 1% – for Kryvyi Rih), Micrococcus, Sarcina (25 ± 2% and 35 ± 2%, respectively). In addition, there are aerobic bacteria Pseudomonas – 8 ± 1% and 10 ± 2%, respectively.

Conclusions. Outpurs about the prospects of further research of mathematical modeling of the development of microbiocenoses in the body of landfills using models describing the development of activated sludge depending on the composition of wastewater and in particular the modified IAWQ ASM-2 model have been drawn.


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How to Cite

Kravchenko O, Satin I, Shevchenko L, Panchenko O. Influence of the Morphological Composition of Solid Municipal Waste on the Species Composition of Microbiocenoses that are Formed in the Body of Landfill. Innov Biosyst Bioeng [Internet]. 2018Oct.2 [cited 2025Feb.13];2(3):203-9. Available from:


