Potential Producers of Biogenic Magnetic Nanoparticles among Pathogenic and Opportunistic Microorganisms





Magnetic field, Biogenic magnetic nanoparticles, Inflammation, Pathogenic microorganisms, Magnetic hyperthermia, Targeted delivery


Background. The complicated forms of infection in inflammatory processes characterized by rising resistance of microorganisms to antibiotics, are forcing to find new treatments that would prevent development of pathogenic microorganisms, increased local immunity, and thus accelerated regenerative processes.

Objective. Classification of pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms that may be potential producers of BMN, in terms of the location and properties of BMN using the methods of comparative genomics with the prospect of their subsequent use as the vectors for magnetically targeted delivery of drugs. This will make possible the use of the hyperthermia techniques for removal of pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms that are capable of biomineralization BMN using for heating the cells directly intracellular BMN of these microorganisms.

Methods. The methods of paired and multiple sequence alignment were applied using a free access program “BLAST” of National Center for Biotechnology Information.

Results. It was revealed that strains such as E. coli (541-15), K. pneumoniae 342, C. perfringens str. 13, P. fluorescens are potential producers of crystalline magnetite and bacteria: S. aureus RF122, S. suis BM407, E. aerogenes KCTC 2190, K. pneumoniae RYC492, P. aeruginosa M18 can be producers of intracellular amorphous BMN. The power of magnetic dipole interaction between BMN of the bacteria and BMN of the tumors is in the range between 10-7–10-8 N.

Conclusions. It is explained the neutralization effect of pathogens by the method of magnetic hyperthermia due to the presence BMN, and it was proposed the use for the treatment of inflammatory processes not only antibiotic drugs, but also electromagnetic fields for those microorganisms which are producers of BMN. It is shown that as vectors for targeted delivery of drugs should be used microorganisms with natural magnetic properties, making method targeted delivery of drugs safer and more efficient, and reduced its cost.

Author Biographies

Svitlana Gorobets, Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute

Світлана Василівна Горобець

Oksana Gorobets, Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute

Оксана Юріївна Горобець

Kateryna Butenko, Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute

Катерина Олександрівна Бутенко


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How to Cite

Gorobets S, Gorobets O, Butenko K. Potential Producers of Biogenic Magnetic Nanoparticles among Pathogenic and Opportunistic Microorganisms. Innov Biosyst Bioeng [Internet]. 2018Apr.2 [cited 2025Jan.19];2(1):33-41. Available from: https://ibb.kpi.ua/article/view/127260


