POLISH, N.; MARINTSOVA, N.; ZHURAKHIVSKA, L.; KOMAROVSKA-POROKHNYAVETS, O.; LUBENETS, V.; POKYNBRODA, T.; KARPENKO, O. Antimicrobial Activity of Composite Preparations Based on Biosurfactants and Heterocyclic Amino-Containing 1,4-Naphtoquinone Derivativesantimicrobial Activity of Composite Preparations Based on Biosurfactants and Heterocyclic Amino-Containing 1,4-Naphtoquinone Derivatives. Innovative Biosystems and Bioengineering, [S. l.], v. 8, n. 3, p. 18–28, 2024. DOI: 10.20535/ibb.2024.8.3.311575. Disponível em: https://ibb.kpi.ua/article/view/311575. Acesso em: 22 dec. 2024.